[thanks, tim and anna]
Yesterday it was great to welcome Coffeesmiths Tim and Anna to the studio. to see how I'm coming along with the art piece that I'll be installing at the Department of Coffee and Social Affairs on Leather Lane, EC1 later this month.
As I've mulled over in previous blog posts, the idea of how creativity happens, what sort of environment encourages it to flourish is something that I've been thinking about, the idea that creativity happens when people lives their lives in close proximity, when they sit and chat and explore ideas daily, and the installation I'm creating for the windows of the Dept speaks of this.
I'm working in perspex and translucent vinyls to capture the ring marks left by coffee cups, in part developing a technique I first used to make Abstracted Geographies, a public art project for Altnagelvin Hospital in Londonderry.